Maghda (Diablo III)
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Just a little Corset Making Progress. For my Maghda design, I wanted to make sure I don’t lose my silhouette with all of Maghda's layers. Made my first LEGIT corset. There are NO raw edges visible. I am almost tempted to wear it inside out, just to show off how clean everything turned out! I giggle!
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Here is a small photo dump of some of the work that went into making my 17th/18th century inspired panniers for Maghda. I wanted to make sure to test run some of my Origami, Machine Embroidered, Moths. Definitely a unique ruffle, that is for sure!
Part of my Maghda undergarments include 17th/18th century inspired tie-pockets. There is a variety of different fabrics layered together. To finish of the front, I used a Portuguese Knotted Stem Stitch to created a unique spider web design.
When I was originally thinking of things I could do to amp-up Maghda’s details; I thought of her swarm of moths. I not only wanted the moths to be her own personal army, but also help add to the volume of her dress base. We do not need a whole lot of volume, just enough to help separate/define each layer.
Folding paper has always been something I have taken a strong interest in. I can remember back to elementary (grade school) years. I still have the Chinese coin presented to each student as we were show how to make our own ‘good luck’ cranes. Which a little research, and assistance from Ralph Matthew’s blog, I had a good idea of to go about my own moth-babies.
Above, you can view the steps it took to create hundreds of moths to be hidden within the skirt layers of Maghda. I have enjoyed tackling this time consuming task; and look forward to many more in the month ahead.
Step 1: Prep your fabric rectangles. Place ‘pretty’ sides together.
Step 2: With ‘right-sides’ together; I stitched around the perimeter with a 1/4″ seam allowance. Making sure to leave a gap, to turn each moth right-side-out at a later date.
Step 3: Cut off the corners, making sure not to cut through our previously made stitches.
Step 4: Each moth was then turned right-side-out. The corners were carefully pulled out to a point (as best as possible). Gap is pinned closed.
Step 5: Using an 1/8″ ladder-stitch; each ‘moth-gap’ was hand stitched closed.
Step 6: The steam setting on my iron was a life saver… or moth-saver! Each moth was pressed, flipped, and pressed again. It is important to make a night clean/crisp, flat, shape to work with.
Step 7: Now it is time to pull out the sewing machine. As much as I want to fold them all up, I need to add a little more tender, love, and care. A stock embroidery stitch was selected with metallic thread to add filigree to the perimeter of each prepped-moth.
Step 8: Time to start folding!!!
Before Jumping straight to fabric, I had to first figure out what type of Origami-Moth I desired for this project. Things to consider; I will be making hundreds of them! Also, these will be made of two-ply fabric, not paper. Too many folds will not resinate with the end shape.
After finally figuring out fabric/paper size and fold registrations; time to start forming my MOTH-ARMY!
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Maghda Cosplay TIPS
Become apart of my Coven Leader Cosplay!
$20.00 + Tips:
Would you like to have your Twitch username embroidered into one of the Origimi-Moths on Disfusional’s Diablo III cosplay?
(Please, make sure to provide Twitch Username!)
Thank You:
Thank you for tipping towards my Diablo III Cosplay build.
• BTWwhichoneisPink
• Joubolei
• Randalthor1812
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Until next time; I’m Ashlee Kalthoff of Disfusional Studios – don’t forget to ‘Creatively, unfold your imagination’. Bye!